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•Find a place to plug into and make this house your home!
We believe that God is writing our story. All of us have a next step when it comes to our faith story. Below are a few ways we’d like to help guide you to continue growing in your faith. We would love to help you connect to our faith family if you have any questions.
We believe that the Scriptures speak of the importance of belonging to a local body of believers and the biblical responsibility each believer has to commit themselves to the mission of the church. There was a devotion and commitment to Christ and to one another that was life-giving and encouraging to each other. We want everyone to know what it means to be devoted and committed to this local church family. Quarterly, we offer a Next Steps class that helps you know who we are and where we are going as a faith family. We invite you to talk to a staff member or pastor about joining our family.
We want to help you connect with others so you can continue to grow in your walk with Christ. Join a group of 10 other adults as you answer the question, "Where have I seen God in my life this week?" This group is sure to become your people as you learn how to live out your faith together. Covenant Small Groups typically meet Wednesday nights at the church. If you are interested in joining, please get in touch with Olivia Pruett at the church office.
God has gifted us all, and each of us differently as a part of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12–31), and we can all use whatever skill or talent God has given us to serve Him and His church. We have a place for you to serve!